You only have to take a quick inventory of who Obama likes and respects, and who he dislikes and disrespects to get a clear picture of where he stands. He loves and funds the Muslim Brotherhood (terrorists). There are many MB members are on his staff. In fact, the Egyptian State paper has published that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, for what that is worth.
He loves and funds Hamas (terrorists). During the last skirmish between Israel and Hamas, Obama was clearly and vigorously siding with Hamas against Israel. Obama is sending them hundreds of millions of American dollars which they use to buy weapons and missiles to attack Israel. He loves Iran and obviously supports their goal to achieve nuclear weapons. He refuses to support any sanctions against the mullah. He has returned 10s of billions of frozen funds to the murderous mullahs there which they will certainly use to fund their nuclear ambitions.
He seems to love Al Queda, or at least elements of Al Queda. In an unimaginable turn of alliances, U.S. military forces fought side by side with veteran Al Queda forces in Libya to overthrow Qaddafi. Libya is now a land in complete chaos, and is more or less controlled by elements of Al Queda. Furthermore, he refuses to attack Al Queda in Syria, and only tepidly and reluctantly attacks ISIS, which is a declared ally of Al Queda. And, he returned 5 of their top generals to them during an active time of conflict, while gaining in return a mentally disturbed private who defected to the enemy side.
So, Who does he not like?
He obviously “Hates”, with a deep and seething hate, the State of Israel. He has restricted Israeli visas to America, while actively promoting and shipping into America — people from every other country in the world. He attempted to choke off military arms sales to Israel in support of Hamas. He funds the PLO and Hamas with millions of dollars every year. I personally believe that if there was any State in the M.E. that Obama would delight in attacking, it would be Israel over any Muslim country or group. In his mind, Israel are the terrorists, and Hamas are the victims.
He does not like Egypt, now, since they ousted the Obama government he forced on them which was the Muslim Brotherhood. While the MB controlled Egypt, (even as the MB was calling Israel, I don’t know, monkeys and pigs or whatever) even as the MB was openly declaring their goal to attack and exterminate Israel, at the same time Obama was sending the MB tanks, fighter jets, and other weapons, along with millions and millions of dollars, all of which was halted as soon as the Egyptian people overthrew the MB and took their own government back. They rejected the Obama ‘vision’ of what their country should be.
He does not like Jordan because they are a relatively moderate and modern/Western version of Islam. Just as the Black culture in America uses the pejorative, “they ain’t Black enough’, in Obama’s world, Jordan ‘ain’t Muslim enough’ for him.
He does not like and refuses to support the Kurds, who are currently engaged with ISIS. Again, the Kurds are a more moderate and Western version of Islam, and Obama rejects this. It is curious how many air drops of weapons and supplies meant for the Kurds, have ‘accidentally’ been dropped over ISIS positions.
He obviously either does not like or is apathetic to the Yazidis and Christians in general. His anti-Christian sentiments as expressed in America are famous, and while promoting Islam all over America, Obama is simultaneously curtailing and clamping down on Christian freedom of religious expression. While story after story of the brutality, rape, slavery, torture, and murder of the Yazidis, not only does Obama do nothing about it as in supporting them, he does not even acknowledge that it is happening at all. He does not seem to think it is something worth addressing or even recognizing.
However, he was ready to destroy Israel for the crime of defending themselves against people who were actively bombing them. So, the rule seems to be, Muslims killing Jews and Christians is no big deal. Jew and Christians killing Muslims will not be tolerated.
It is time to call out the bombers. Obama’s fidelity to Islam could not be more clear. It is actually silly to deny it anymore. The closer he gets to his end of term, the more brazen his support for all things Islamic, and worse, the more brazen his antipathy for all things not Islamic becomes.
Based on the facts of Obama’s behavior, actions, words, and emotions, he is clearly a Muslim, which would be fine with everyone, I think. However, my fear is that not only is Obama a Muslim, or an Islamophile, as some people call him, but more than that he is a radical Muslim. Or at least he seems to support the groups, causes, and goals of radical Islam which is why he will not say “radical Islam”. In his mind there is no such thing as ‘terrorists’ or ‘radical Islam’. It is all simply just Islam. That is what Islam is, in his mind.
The “real” terrorists are, according to him, the Tea Party, the Israelis, White Americans, White colonialists all over the world, and the moderate apostate Muslims countries who support them.