Immature Love = Economic Disaster!


Immature love leads to economic disaster — by FlimFlam

In my long life I have often run across high school sophomore girls who are madly in love with “Billy Bob” who is a senior in the same high school. The hormone level is completely out of control and has totally immobilized the reason part of the brain. She just has to get married regardless of the wishes of her parents, his parents, and the rest of their family. She knows that she will be able to have the American dream as part of her life, have two or three or more children and live in a white house with a picket fence around it.

Billy Bob was then forced to drop out of high school before he had learned how to balance his bank account or to acquire employment that would be sufficient to support a family. “Caitlin” was even further behind on the educational ladder, and had absolutely no employment skills. Billy Bob got a job as an oilfield roughneck, or as an apprentice welder, working out of town. It wasn’t long before the lure of the neon beer signs enabled him to meet more experienced girls than Caitlin, dressed up and wearing makeup, and ever ready to party. Soon Caitlin was forgotten and Billy Bob had moved on.

Caitlin was now left at home, two small children on her hip, no education and no chance of landing a decent paying job. So she moved back in with mama, who was willing to babysit her babies while she went out and worked a nighttime job as a waitress in a greasy spoon café or cleaning motel rooms at the local Motel 6.

Times change but the situation seems pretty static even today. The main difference is that today we don’t even start out with Billy Bob and Caitlin getting married. The young couple just decide to hook up, and as a result of the lack of any sort of commitment, romance, or belief that a marriage will result, we wind up with a series of babydaddies, a complete lack of responsibility on the part of the Caitlins of today, and an even greater lack of responsibility on the part of the Billy Bobs. So after multiple appearances on Maury Povich’s TV show or Paternity Court, we let a DNA lab sort out who committed the dirty deed.

The Caitlin’s of today are flipping burgers at McDonald’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s, unless they have managed to get a job making pizzas at Papa John’s or slicing roast beef at Arby’s. These are the jobs that people with no education or job sets, and not much opportunity to change their situation wind up with.

But (and herein lies a massively HUGE problem) now they believe that they are entitled to earn a comfortable living while doing a job that could possibly be done by trained chimpanzees. They demand that their employer pay them at a rate of $15 per hour for scut labor.  Their supervisors don’t make that. Many teachers don’t earn that, even with a college degree.
