Will Hillary Be The Fulfillment of the Democrats Legacy of Scandal?


Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Sunday she is running for president, saying, “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.” ‘I’m Hitting the Road to Earn Your Vote!’

Well……, umm……, ahh……, ok — I guess?

You know, they make thriller movies where the villain often demonstrates such a blatant level of unmitigated gall upon those whom he cons and deceives. That, of course, is what makes the movie  good — because, we know that at some point, the good guys will come to the rescue and save the day, and make everything right.

But, dad-gum……, this is no movie, this is real life. I mean, seriously?

First, here’s a list in The New York Post of some of the more absurd, very real, and very high-level scandals that Hillary Clinton has been directly involved in throughout her political sojourn.

Of course, if that’s not enough, then check out what Judge Jeanine has to say about it. There’s probably no one else in the world who can articulate it more clearly, accurately, and succinctly than she does here in this video. WATCH IT, and you’ll see!


So, here’s the Million Dollar Question:

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