All posts by MikeDouglas

Discipline and Torture… There is a difference!


by Mike Douglas

Anyone who has children or has been around children for more than 5 minutes knows that they can be a real handful. They get into everything, scream at the top of their lungs, and have a tendency to break expensive items in your house. As adults, we have the authority to retaliate such behavior with a little thing called discipline.

Depending on how severe the offense might be — is what determines what course of discipline to take. Whether its a stern talking to, a time-out, or a good ol` fashioned butt whooping.

That being said, we should also know our limitations. Where the discipline line ends and the torture line begins.

In the following video, you are about to see something that truly made me sick! This is an example of a woman who has far surpassed the torture line! See for yourself…

Apparently, the child got into some trouble at school. Fighting with another child named “Steve” about a pencil. When asked about his day at school when he got home, his response was that he got no “cards” that day, (Cards are a negative report I’m assuming) When in all actuality he received three Cards.

After discovering that her child received three Cards, she asked him “Why did you lie to me?!” His response was “I did not want to get in trouble.”

At this part of the video, I was going along with it…The moms mad because her child lied to her. Totally understandable and justified. All is well until I heard the next few sentences come out her mouth.

Mom: “What happens when you lie to me?!”

Child: “I get hot-sauce.”

Mom: “You get hot-sauce, what else happens when you lie to me?!”

Child: “I get a cold shower.”

After a few more words from mom, she proceeds to take her child into the bathroom where she sits him on the counter and forces hot-sauce into his mouth and makes him swish it around in his mouth like a mouth wash.

As if that wasn’t enough discipline, she then proceeds to make her child undress and take a freezing cold shower! And no matter how much crying and screaming and pain her child seems to be in, she shows no remorse…

All I can say is that this lady is lucky I’m not her neighbor, because this post wouldn’t exist — because I would be in jail!

What really makes me sick, is that its not the first time I have heard about people using hot-sauce to discipline their children. And if YOU use these methods on your children then SHAME ON YOU!!!

Please share this post if you feel this is a sick torture and feel others should know about this.

