All posts by TomZom

Mainstream Media — Consider Yourselves Put on Notice!

Be very careful mainstream media — your continued obsession to delegitimize President Trump is much more than just casually noticed by the silent majority. In case YOU haven’t noticed, these people are watching you closely, and are beyond put-out with your biased and false rhetoric, and blatant misleading approach in stating the news. It’s ugly, petty, unbecoming, and wrong. And, in the end, you won’t win!

Here is what the new White House Press Secretary, Shawn Spicer said on Saturday Jan 21st: “This was the largest ‘audience’ to ever witness an inauguration – period, both in person, and around the globe.” What he meant of course, was the combination of both live, TV, and online attendance. The TOTAL audience. Once again — that’s the TOTAL AUDIENCE! TOTAL!!! But, the mainstream media, in it’s typical continued attempt to unfairly delegitimize President Trump, and dangerously fan the divisive flames of feud between the citizens of this great nation, chose to present their negatively slanted point of view, using only the widespread skewed live attendance picture, which was very much in itself — extremely misleading.

What’s really funny, is how the mainstream media does all of this — basically lying, and presenting a horribly grim and hopeless picture of all things Trump, and then sits-up, acting all indignant when called out on it. It’s rude and deceitful, and millions upon millions of regular traditional Americans not only see through it, but are sick to death of it, and are staunchly loaded with deep rooted resolve to fight you, and resist the ALL of vile rhetoric you disseminate.

So, yes, consider yourselves put on notice. You DO NOT have Free reign and run of the news! You WILL NOT get away with trying to control (and spin) pertinent information! And, you WILL be put in check! BE JOURNALISTS, and DO YOUR JOBS CORRECTLY AND TRUTHFULLY!

And, just in case one might have questions concerning the accuracy of the mainstream’s botched reporting on this. Here is a beautifully detailed and in-depth (with pictures) report on the above mentioned comparison of the inauguration crowds.  CLICK HERE TO SEE IT.  

TRUMP — What is He Really Doing?


Make the effort to look beyond all the establishment cynicism, and you can see where Donald Trump (love em’ or hate em’) has brilliantly executed – and is carrying out a meticulously well laid plan.

Oh sure, there are still many good folks today who don’t take very kindly to Trump’s brash tone. But, in today’s world, I think that it’s more than safe to say that presenting one’s self as dignified and mild mannered ISN’T going to fair well against a loud and ridiculously aggressive sounding opponent. Call me cynical, but in the today’s political world, nice doesn’t work — period!

Hillary, Bernie, and the progressive media will NOT play nice, and we’re going to need someone who’s willing play at that level and make it work.

Unfortunately, we’re going to need someone who, instead of trying to ‘politely but fervently explain otherwise’ or ‘respectfully disagree’ with their opponent, will rather be willing [and able] to boldly and unabashedly point out what a disgrace their progressive policies are, and just how ridiculous it is for that person to even be running for president. That (once again – unfortunately) is seemingly the only manner of presentation which the greater portion of angry or politically ignorant Americans will listen to these days.

After watching [and listening] to them all at length, I’ve concluded that Donald Trump is the only candidate presently working on setting himself up to effectively engage in a manner needed to win the election. Furthermore, at this point, that particular style of presentation simply wouldn’t work for any of the other candidates. Too much of their efforts have gone in to making themselves out to appear mild-mannered and [conservative]. But, make no mistake; a definite marked and ugly manner of aggressive Brashness WILL BE necessary to compete against this ridiculous new and Aggressively Loud Progressive Movement. It’s simply the level on which they operate, and unfortunately, too many people today are attracted to it. Anyone who can’t see this (in my opinion) has blinders on! In short, the progressives will NOT play nice – and neither should our candidate if we want to win!


The First Church of the Lesbianna Cult of Gayiety



USA 07 SEP 2015 — An aggressive group of devout Christians who claim a strong affinity to the specific words ‘Gay’ and ‘Lesbian’ along with a worshipful attraction to the ‘Rainbow’ symbol — are creating a New Age Church of progressive Christianity. The new church will be called The First Church of the Lesbianna Cult of Gayiety.

Their doctrine, among other basic Christian philosophy as interpreted, will be built upon something they refer to as “reverse love.” One of its main tenets will be a precept built upon that particular principle where righteous tranquility may be achieved through a discipline they call jotuiiea. One very disturbing trait resulting from this personal exercise is the ability to become — and remain totally void of, and violently against any degree of Homosexuality and Transvestitism. Other points of doctrine will include the highest degree of love and admiration of Mother Earth, Nature, and some animals, along with men and women living modestly within their most natural habitat, and participating in the often repeated ritual of covering themselves with river mud mixed with roughened fish scales. This ritual is in the similitude of the blind man rubbing mud in to his eyes and washing it out in the river, whereas being able to miraculously see afterwards — with the roughened fish scales representing the miracle of the loaves and ‘fishes.”

Thousands of people each month are being drawn to this new religion which seems to be growing rapidly in popularity. When asked if this was just another passing fad — Reverend Albert A. Culpepper of the Eastham congregation said: “Nay to the mighty, when windswept followers have become drawn to such a sea of iniquity. Let us face the sprawl and swather forward into the hollow-fold of light and invisible mass!”

When asked why the name of the church included the words Lesbianna and Gayiety, and featured a Rainbow in its logo – the churches executive spokesperson Hy Hyik said “we like the power behind those two particular words, and what has been accomplished within the LBGT community through the use of them. We are also drawn toward the all-inclusiveness represented by the colors of the rainbow. That great symbol along with those two powerful words simply have great impact in today’s society, and we want to be sure and take advantage of – and benefit from all they would lend toward the building of our particular sect of Christianity.”

When asked whether or not those defining terms and the defining rainbow symbol were already identified with the LGBT community, the reply was “no one owns the terms, or the rainbow, and we have every right of claim to their use as the LGBT community has to the term marriage (which we believe to be a sacred term identifying the bond between a man and a woman). Our goal is to proselyte to the world and market our beliefs in a manner that will fundamentally change the meaning of the terms and symbol to define (at a glance) our sacred and chosen way of life. In short — we identify with these things, and we want them to identify us.”

We wanted to probe more, but started noticing the rather odd manner in which they all started coming across. Plus, we became informed by an unknown source that they were all carrying guns and ice-picks — even the children, so we ended the interview.


The TomZom World Report USA 07 SEP 2015

What? Donald Trump’s Not Nice???



First — Let me be very clear and say that I have been closely following (and liking) for a long time the following list of republican candidates which include — Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Perry. Here’s why. I simply like them, and feel good about what they’ve done. Also, I like what they say and how they say it.

Second — And, bottom line? Any one of these candidates would be preferable to the alternative. Let’s be perfectly clear about that.

Now, having said that, let me offer my unsolicited thoughts about Donald Trump. One very important thing to know is that I’m not going to NOT like Trump just because there are others out there who don’t. I’m also not going to NOT like him simply because he rubs people the wrong way, or isn’t very nice when dishing back at someone’s hate and sarcasm!

In fact, let me just take the liberty here and remind everyone that ‘nice’ doesn’t cut it anymore — not in the todays politics. And, anyone with even a modicum of observational ability knows this. Once again, [nice] and statesman-like doesn’t work — not when you’re looking to win against a nasty toned liberal democrat.

Unfortunately, todays voting public seems to prefer a great deal of spiritedness in their elected leaders, and democrats are more than willing to go there — all the way if necessary!

So, what does this have to do with Trump? Well, first of all, it seems to me that the folks who don’t like Trump — feel that way mostly because he doesn’t present himself as the politically correct, nice and classy statesman. The problem is — playing [nice] hasn’t worked (at all) in the recent past for any of the Republicans. They’ve lost at almost every turn because they chose instead to come across ‘nice’ and take the high road, while on the other hand, being snarky and coming across extremely nasty to the opponent has worked quite well for the Democrats. It’s the reality of the game. They’ve discovered that being mean and cutting works – so, they remain mean and cutting, and conservative Americans suffer greatly as a result.

It’s interesting to see that Trump is still leading in the polls — perhaps not because he’s the most qualified statesman, but rather because he’s the only one [THE ONLY ONE] willing to forfeit the political love, and actually take on all the risk involved in getting down and dirty, and putting on the necessary dog and pony show while scrapping with his opponents. Obviously, according to the polls, this is a very necessary and effective thing to do!

I can assure you that the Democratic opponent won’t even blink an eye when it comes to dishing out the nastiness and humiliation, which, unfortunately, the general public will just eat up. So, like it or not, we need a Trump (of some-kind), simply because no one else is willing to go there (like he has) and openly push back at the opponent. They’ve kept aloof from such doings for fear of not coming off nice. Trump showed that he understands this principle when he stated “this great country’s in trouble and we don’t have time for tone, or to play nice!”

He also showed his economic leadership and general understanding of things when he said: “We’re losing at every turn.” “We always end up on the short end of every negotiation.” “We’ll soon reach 21 trillion in debt.” “We look weak.” “Our military has been drastically downsized and needs to be built back up, and we’re doing a terrible job in taking care of our vets who were willing to fight for our freedom.” “China and Mexico are beating us – all because of our stupid politicians.” “This country needs someone like me, a tough, experienced, savvy businessman and negotiator, and someone who knows — and has dealt with politicians for years, to get in there and fix it, and make this country great again!”

The way I see it — he’s doesn’t miss the mark by much in what he says. Have you ever really listened to him? As a matter of fact, I’ll confess that much of what he says, and the manner in which he says it really hits home with me, like it has with so many others. 24% can’t all be wrong. I’ve heard from many of them, and have concluded that they’re not just a bunch of weak simpletons who can be blown with any wind. These are extremely smart people who are simply tired of lying Casper-milk-toast politicians who give away the elections simply because they’re afraid of being seen as anything other than nice. Once again, Trump seems to understand this — and guess what? He fights fire with fire, and he wins! And, it’s a refreshing thing to see!!!

Oh sure, there are definitely the other republican candidates that I dearly love, and will fully support if they end up being the republican nominee. But, my concern is — can they win??? Are they willing to fight hard to the extent of getting down dirty in front of a general public who’ll clearly reject even the slightest notion of a weak politician? As unfortunate of a thing as it is — it’s simply the reality of where we’re at in our society. People are looking toward anyone who seems outwardly willing to make a blatant stand, even if making such a stand requires some edgy, less than classy sounding abrasiveness. And, so far – Trump seems to be that person!

And, for all of you “he’s never held a political office” types — remember this:

  1. He’s been dealing with, and negotiating with politicians for years. I believe that he’s plenty familiar with the political realm, and how things work at that level.
  2. He’s successfully built an extremely large business and has employed thousands of people. How many other candidates have done this?
  3. He’s negotiated large money deals that very few of us can even understand much less duplicate. He is extremely competent at the negotiating table, and at getting what he deems is in his best interest. So, would it not stand to reason that he would be just as competent at negotiating and getting what is in America’s best interest?
  4. He’s established himself as a formidable figure who owes no one. He knows exactly how special interest works, and remains free and clear from the clutches and control of it. No other candidate will have that luxury. This is perhaps one of the greatest items of political leverage that Donald Trump would possess while making decisions as the President of the United States. Any fear of having to appease some special interest group based on some pre-election monetary agreement simply wouldn’t exist with Trump. He simply doesn’t need their money to get elected.
  5. He’s experienced, and very good at working the media — both in front of — and behind the camera.
  6. In any setting where he is presiding, there’s no doubt who the leader is.
  7. He’s not afraid to fight — out in the open if necessary, even if it involves taking the gloves of political correctness off. He’s already shown this.
  8. In spite of being on his third marriage, he still seems to come off like a caring patriot and loving family man — and those who personally know him report to like him — a lot!
  9. He’s an American success.
  10. He understands freedom and the economy.

Regardless of how I feel about the other republican candidates, my question is this — why would anyone ever refer to Donald Trump as a Joke? I think he’s a lot of things (as stated above), but I certainly don’t consider him a joke. Furthermore, I’m not going to consider him to be a joke simply because that’s a popular attitude to take.

My Country has been hijacked, and I want it back. Whoever we end up sending to go up against Hillary (or whoever their candidate happens to be), I want that person to be able to WIN — and not just [kindly] give away the election. So, since the others aren’t really showing any of the necessary fighting spirit (just yet), and Donald Trump is, of course — I’m watching him right now (like many others) with a great deal of interest!




Is This Humanity’s Ultimate Image?

Gay pride events have become mostly known for promoting one huge overriding issue that seems to stand out more than anything else. Ultimately — its their image! The image and brand that these people seem so glory bound in thrusting upon the rest of the world, plainly appears to be one where common decency has been utterly perverted. It seems apparent that their intent is to shock and destroy anything related to traditional straight common decency.

Gay Pride 5

In my opinion, it forces straight parents into an awkward position of trying to explain it all to their children, while simultaneously  not sounding negative or prejudiced against the LGBT community.

Gay Pride 9

Gay Pride 10

Ultimately, it seems that they’re gathered together to take ‘pride’ in sticking it to the rest of mainstream society — as if to firmly and viciously say: THERE, TAKE THAT Mr. Uptight Straight Community! All the while not seeming to give one care about how any of it will affect the younger generations, or even society as a whole.

Gay Pride 3

Gay Pride 1Gay Pride 7

Gay Pride 2

Gay Pride 6

Gay Pride 8

Gay Pride 4

Ultimately, It all seems extremely selfish on the part of the LGBT community, and counter-productive in the building of a unified society, as most traditional parents will never look upon such outward appearances with any amount of favor whatsoever — much less, view it as a decent or wholesome value to teach their children and promote within their family. It feels very unfair — especially coming from a group that so advocates fairness and equality.

