All posts by TomZom

The Robbery Was A Success!



The LGBT community has succeeded in stealing (ROBBING, like thieves in the night) the sacred term “marriage.” Yes, they wanted to institute their own brand of a couples union, which (btw) is a perfectly fine and acceptable thing to do. However, without paying any dues, and forgoing any test of time – they wanted the privilege of having their union looked upon (from the start) with all of the honored glory, and time tested respect as any traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Furthermore, they wanted it all handed to them right now – like some entitlement requiring no time or effort on their part. So, they persisted, and found a way to simply and gratuitously take something dear and sacred that traditional married men and women (together) have been building and shaping for centuries!

It was indeed an extremely clever heist, but they should know – the world generally doesn’t abide thieves for too long – no matter how cleverly they might steal. And, make no mistake – this is exactly what these people did! They coveted the power and privilege that has been built and shaped into the word ‘marriage’ over a long period of time, and set their sights on simply taking the whole of it – and making it their own. It’s plain to see that they have cleverly and successfully hoodwinked much of mainstream society into feeling the emotionality of their cause (as it were). But, they should know that there are still vast amounts of people in this world who will not simply stand-by and allow something so sacred – and what has been theirs for centuries – to be gratuitously plucked up and taken from them, to become (in their minds) perverted.

We are indeed sad about all of this, because we feel that we have been violated to the furthest extreme, and feel the LGBT community could have easily come up with their own term defining their unions upon which to build their own traditions – and out of sheer kindness left ours alone! So, I’ll take the liberty in speaking on behalf of all my fellow traditional married couples both past and present, and say to the LGBT community – I hope that you are never called upon to experience this magnitude of violation from any group on this earth, as I can attest that it is a much deeper hurt than could ever possibly be described!




The LGBT Community’s Perceived License to Steal!








OK, so let’s just go ahead and address at least one aspect of the 900 pound gorilla sitting in the midst of all the gay marriage advocates.

As distasteful as it sounds, ultimately – what the LGBT community is trying to do, is to steal (that is: ROB, like thieves in the night) the term “marriage.” They want to institute their own brand of a couples union, which (btw) is a perfectly fine and acceptable thing to do. However, without paying any dues, and forgoing any test of time – they want the privilege of having their union looked upon (from the start) with all of the honored glory, and time tested respect as any traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Furthermore, they want it all handed to them right now – like some entitlement requiring no time or effort on their part.

I say — BACK OFF!!! The term is ours, and you can’t have it! It doesn’t belong to you – so go and find your own!!! Also, in the end, the rest of the world generally doesn’t abide thieves – no matter how cleverly they steal, which is exactly what you are doing! You covet the power and privilege that has been built into the word ‘marriage’ over a long period of time, and have now set your sights on simply taking the whole of it – and making it your own. Make no mistake; it’s plain to see that your community has cleverly and successfully hoodwinked much of mainstream society into feeling the emotionality of your cause. But, know this, there are still plenty of us who WILL NOT simply stand-by and allow what has been ours for centuries to be gratuitously plucked up and taken from us.

We respectfully request that the LGBT community stop trying to be thieves, and become a little more creative in coming up with your own term – and leave ours alone!!! Despite what you have so desperately been trying to persuade the rest of us to believe, we simply do not view your collective lifestyle as being anything like ours, and are therefore refusing you the use of our sacred term.

Once again, go and get your own!



Poll — Should Gay Pride Be For Children?

This child, who can’t be any older than 12, was praised by Gay Star News for using sexually explicit “dance moves” (see video below) grinding and twerking at a 2015 Gay Pride event, while other LGBT attendees gathered around him, watching and cheering.

It seems that since President Obamas announcement of his support for gay marriage, along with all of the recent combined efforts of Hollywood to break through the dam which has been holding back the immeasurable lake of sexual exploitations and openness, and now with Jenner showing his bravery and all — that the veritable floodgates of sexual perversion are now fully opened.

But, should we just throw up our hands and submit to our children being gratuitously immersed in it?

Will Hillary Be The Fulfillment of the Democrats Legacy of Scandal?


Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Sunday she is running for president, saying, “Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.” ‘I’m Hitting the Road to Earn Your Vote!’

Well……, umm……, ahh……, ok — I guess?

You know, they make thriller movies where the villain often demonstrates such a blatant level of unmitigated gall upon those whom he cons and deceives. That, of course, is what makes the movie  good — because, we know that at some point, the good guys will come to the rescue and save the day, and make everything right.

But, dad-gum……, this is no movie, this is real life. I mean, seriously?

First, here’s a list in The New York Post of some of the more absurd, very real, and very high-level scandals that Hillary Clinton has been directly involved in throughout her political sojourn.

Of course, if that’s not enough, then check out what Judge Jeanine has to say about it. There’s probably no one else in the world who can articulate it more clearly, accurately, and succinctly than she does here in this video. WATCH IT, and you’ll see!

So, here’s the Million Dollar Question:

Do some Religions experience more freedom than others?


“Memories Pizza was forced to close because of death threats the business received in response to its owners’ statements regarding RFRA  and service to gay customers (they said they would serve anyone but could not in good conscience cater a gay wedding).”

Click Here for further details on this story on Fox News.

Here, Steven Crowder discovers that there are Muslim run bakeries who also (as a basic tenet of their belief) refuse to endorse Homo Sexuality! However, they seem to be able to go about practicing their religion completely un-harassed and unencumbered by liberals (unlike Christians). What do you think — is there a double standard going on here? Watch this great video and VOTE below!

Does Michelle Obama declaring ‘Black Girls Rock’ Create a Racial Double Standard?


According to Entertainment Writer NEKESA MUMBI MOODY of The Associated Press – Michelle “…Obama got arguably the night’s loudest ovation as she came on stage and declared “Black girls rock!” – the slogan and name of the organization founded by Beverly Bond. It is designed to uplift young black girls, a group that often has difficulty finding positive and reaffirming images of themselves in the world…”

For the entire AP story — Click Here

For more information on the organization BlackGirlsRock, Inc. Click Here

HERE’S THE REAL QUESTION: Within all the controversy of Racism today — does it feel like there’s a double standard going on?

As one YouTube commenter wrote: “…Imagine a white first lady getting up in front of a crowd and saying…. ‘White girls rock!’ Your president thinks you rock too!”

If such a thing did happen, do you think there would be any cause for offense, and would we hear from the offended?

It is easy to understand, that the reason behind the event was to accentuate the mission of BlackGirlsRock, Inc. which is “to promote the arts for young women of color, as well as to encourage dialogue and analysis of the ways women of color are portrayed in the media.”

Now, remember, we can’t even enjoy the Disney movie ‘Song of the South’ on DVD because Disney has it locked up in the vault. Banned, because it portrays life on a southern plantation in the days of slavery, featuring the black man Uncle Remus (who, by the way, everyone dearly loves), all based on the fear that the movie’s premise is in some way offensive to the black community. So, if race consciousness is going to be the cause of something like that (along with many other such things), then in this ever so incessant race equality conscientious society that we have become — for the First Lady of our country to come along and specifically (and emphatically) indorse and hail an organization which identifies itself with such a blatant (in your face) race baiting title as “Black Girls Rock,” well…….., that sort of thing just seems laced with a gross and rotten amount of double standard is all.

Aside from the fact that not all black girls rock. For example, watch this and pay particular attention to the other black girls standing around filming and participating in this. I would say that these black girls don’t Rock at all – but rather the opposite.

By the way, there are a great number of Black Girls who do indeed Rock. So do a goodly portion of White Girls, Hispanic Girls, Indian Girls, Irish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, Middle Eastern, Russian, Brazilian, Mediterranean, Etc., Etc.!

Oh, and we get that you’d like it if we garnered a little more understanding about the concept behind “Black Girls Rock,” and maybe appreciated the good intentions driving the movement. I’d even say that you’d be perfectly correct in this manner of thinking, except— if you’re going to be on the side that claims, and brutally enforces political correctness, especially when it benefits your cause, then you’d better yourself be politically correct and meticulously fair across the board, especially if you’re the President or the First Lady!

Here at TomZom, we abhor racism even in the least degree!



Is Spring Break Worthy of Mom & Dads Approval?


Pretend for a moment that your daughter or son (daddy’s little girl, or momma’s good boy) comes to you, and in an ever so innocent approach asks… “this year, instead of going with you guys on the family vacation, would there be any problem (with me) going with my friends to Panama City Beach for spring break?”

Meet the 2016 Republican Presidential Considerations!


These are the 2016 Republican Presidential Considerations so far. Click on each one to learn more about them!

Sarah-Palin-1 Rick-Perry-1 Rand-Paul-1 Mike-Huckabee-1

Sarah Palin            Rick Perry             Rand Paul              Mike Huckabee

Marco-Rubio-1 Jeb-Bush-1 Donald-Trump-1 Chris-Christie-1

Marco Rubio        Jeb Bush                Donald Trump    Chris Christie

Bobby-Jindal-1 Ben-Carson-1 Scott-Walker-1 Ted-Cruz-1

Bobby Jindal       Ben Carson           Scott Walker       Ted Cruz


CAST YOUR VOTE — On who you think should become the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomonee!