Throw Away the Old


We live in a “throw away” world. Planned obsolescence is the rule. Cars are not designed to last more than 150,000 miles. Homes are designed to last about 100 years. Diapers are disposable. Computers become outdated in just a couple of years and need to be replaced.

What about people?

I recently saw a commercial for a service called, “A Place for Mom.” Joan Lunden, former host of Good Morning America laments her concern for her fragile ailing mother. Her solution—A service which finds an institution for her mom. Rewind a hundred or so years ago? What used to happen to aging parents? Were they thrown away in an institution for the aging just waiting for them to die????

When Jesus Christ was on the cross, just before he gave his life for all mankind, He gave the solution! In John 19:26-27 we read, “When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, He saith unto His mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith He to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.”

Jesus had the PERFECT solution (As HE always does!) How should we care for aging parents? We, their children take care of them!!! We aren’t to put them in holding places for them to wait to die. We are to take them into our homes (or to go to their homes) and take care of them!!!!

Just as our parents sacrificed to care for us as children, we are to, in turn, care for THEM! A mother sacrifices her body, her health, her well-being for 40 weeks to incubate and nurture our growing and developing bodies. And then, they descend into the “valley of the shadow of death” to give us life! But that is not all. Then, mother with father (hopefully!) sacrifice their time, their means, their very freedom to nurture, teach and train us to become independent, productive, thinking individuals. Do we not then have a divine responsibility to care for our parents as they age and come to the conclusion of their mortal life?

Jesus, clearly, had been caring for His mother, and when He knew that He would no longer be able to care for His sweet, loving, Holy mother, He “found” another son to care for her. He didn’t call a nursing home. He didn’t allow the “state” to take over responsibility. He showed us the way we are to care for our aging parents. His beloved disciple took her to his home, and cared for her.

Have you ever been in an “old folks home,” nursing home, assisted living center? Have you seen the sad, longing, empty eyes of the residents? Have you ever talked to them? All they want is their family! They are lonely. They are sad. And it’s a crying shame!!!

Can we not learn from the teachings and example of our Savior, Jesus Christ? Please, please, PLEASE take responsibility for your parents!!! They have so much to offer! They have sacrificed SO much to make your life possible! Siblings can help each other bear the wonderful burden of caring for aging parents! The responsibility should not fall on just one child, but, even if it does, what a wonderful burden! What an opportunity to give a little back to our parents!!!


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