Let’s talk about SEX.


‘The nice thing about Carrying your own Silence (see what I did there? I am Silence Carrier so, you know…thats…it’s what I do. Get it?)  Truly Carrying your silence with you allows you to listen, to see, and to really be able to process  the things you see and hear going on all around you, without distraction. Sometimes it is more favorable to listen, that you may fully understand, than to ramble on a point that is ultimately pointless.  I thank Mr. Zom for allowing  me to this avenue to set my silence down for a spell, that I may rest my tongue from being so frequently bitten down upon.

But back to my original point:

Sex. (ahh, I see  I have your attention again)

It’s everywhere . Really. Our society is embedded with it. It is engrained into everything we do.  And why shouldn’t it? Don’t we all owe our very existence to that very act?

We’ve all heard the story, the “tale as old as time” as it were. “When a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY MUCH…” und so weiter…

Human sexuality is a subject of deep fascination at some point or other to every individual who has ever, or will ever exist. If you are thinking to yourself, “Well not to ME!” you are lying to yourself.
Of COURSE sex is fascinating! It’s the most interesting thing in the world!

The problem however (that’s right, you knew I was coming to this didn’t you?) is that it IS important. It is one of the most important aspects of life in fact. Important, necessary, special, SACRED. It is but you wouldn’t get that impression if you  walk amongst our fellow citizens of this planet just now.

Society of late has made great effort to  tear down that title of ‘sacred’. The pornography industry thrives on making voyeuristic sex casual, raunchy, and terrifyingly easy to  access by those who seek it.(and those numbers are great, or the industry wouldn’t be so lucrative) The term “casual hook up” is a commonly heard phrase. Popular magazines, television shows, songs on the radio, they all devalue and cheapen what is arguably one of the most important aspects of life!

Let’s take for example the much hyped, upcoming movie, “Fifty Shades of Grey”. We all know that it is based on the bestselling book of the same title. You should of course know that the basis for this book’s popularity is …you guessed it, SEX!  It contains quite a lot of it, detailed and gratuitously lascivious. The book became popular among the middle aged female demographic. I won’t go into all the reasons I am against it, from how its poorly written, or that it promotes dangerous lies, or really because its just terrible.  Despite all of that, it still has a relatively, respectable sized fan base.  And why? Because society has gone ahead and given the ‘Okay’ to making sex nothing more than a mere, casual element of life!

“But why is it such a big deal?” you might ask me.

Here it is: It isn’t….if you are in a committed, marriage.
‘Ahhhh,  there it is Silence. The JUDGEMENT. You are going to JUDGE me for sex outside of marriage, you JUDGEMENTAL, JUDGE-Y person you!!’

Yes, yes, I know, but hear me out. Lets put it in metaphorical terms.

Sex is like fire.

It is necessary, even essential for human life. It provides warmth, light,  and heat to cook  food. Without it we would not survive.   However, it is also dangerous and destructive. It has the capacity to utterly destroy when not employed in the proper confines. If you prepare and build a proper campfire, it can be wonderful, but if you simply light a match in your living room, it is likely going to burn the place down, or at least cause a good deal of damage.

As I said before, none of us would be here if not for the big ‘S’ word, and therein lies the reason it SHOULD be kept within the bonds of marriage. the primary purpose of sex is procreation. That’s not to say that its the SOLE purpose, but if it is continued to be treated without regard for the potential consequences, then we will have more and more “unwanted” pregnancies, and those who cry out in favor of abortions for the sake of convenience will continue (but that is a whole separate topic of its own, which I will leave alone for the time being)

For now, lets think a little bit about the gravity of the choices we make. Be aware of the prevalence of how we are surrounded by sexuality, even admire the beauty and divine intricacy of it,   but please folks, lets think it through first, don’t allow it to be common and cheap. We can do better than that, we can BE better than that.

-Silence Carrier

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