(Allow me to reiterate, if you haven’t read my blogs before, that I love the human race. I love people and individuals. I love learning about people’s life experiences, and while I do not agree with everything everyone chooses to do, I do believe the greatest gift God gave us is our freedom of will.
That being said, I do NOT tolerate bullies in any form, and will stand up for anyone who is peaceably living their life WITHOUT infringing on the life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness of others.)
I’ve noticed throughout the years that ever since things started to become “politically correct” that the wolf of hate has more and more frequently donned the proverbial sheep of love’s clothing.
Lets look at a very obvious example. The Westboro “Baptist Church.” I think we can all agree that a group who pickets funerals of fallen soldiers with signs that say “Thank God For Dead Soldiers” along side other signs that say “God Hates F*gs” is more than a little misguided and is spewing hate. The really sad part about this organization is that they have convinced themselves that they do this out of love. They believe so vehemently that God is dooming this nation because of the acceptance of homosexuality. Check it out for yourself here.
Do I agree with “gay marriage?” No. But that’s a different post altogether.
On the flip side we have the Chik-fil-A protesters. Remember this guy? His name is Adam Smith and he was the CFO of Vante. After making a fool of himself by way of video-selfie and harassing a young woman who was just doing her job, he takes his frustrations about the whole corporation out on her. Then he has the brilliant idea to post it online. Guess what? He got fired. Vante stated,
“Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A … Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.”
“We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.”
If you didn’t watch his video that I hyper-linked, let me set the stage and give you some of his gems.
He’s mad because the CEO of Chick-fil-A for publicly stating he was in support of traditional marriage and had given money to organizations that support traditional marriage. During the filming of this video, Chick-fil-A was under a lot of backlash, and other individual supporters of traditional marriage showed up in droves around the country in support of the CEO’s statement and beliefs. Chick-fil-A’s all over the country were running out of food because they had no idea of the support that would come in.
But there was another group of people as well. A smaller group of people that were trying to counteract the income of all the support Chick-fil-A was receiving by ordering a free water.
Are there really so many people arrogant enough to think that a handful of people ordering nothing but water would counteract the sales of millions of people waiting in lines miles long to purchase any product they could just to show their support?
Some of Adam Smith’s quotes, while he’s waiting to order and in the process of getting his free water.
“People have to have their Chick-fil-A, anti-gay breakfast sandwich. Mmm! Always tastes better when it’s full of hate! Mmm! Yeah. Love it!”
“Here I go!” said with an enthusiasm of someone about to go on a roller coaster.
“Is this my free water? You know why I’m getting my free water, right? Because Chick-fil-A is a hateful organization.”
“The corporation gives money to hate groups.”
Groups he was referring to? Winshape, a Christian organization that supports traditional marriage. The Marriage and Family Foundation, that supports traditional marriage. The Family Research Council, another organization that supports traditional marriage. Other information on it here.
So once again, before you go saying that “traditional marriage is against gay rights,” you didn’t read my other blog on gay marriage. Please, read it here.
Believe it or not, I actually do have love for all people. “Marriage” is what defines the religious union between a man and a woman, bound by God. Trying to “redefine marriage” to me makes about as much sense as trying to “redefine gravity.”
So on to my main point. I saw this on Facebook, and I could not ignore it. Please take the time to read and watch this whole video so we’re on the same page.
And in case you don’t here are some quotes from it.
“Jihad is means, and not a goal in and of itself. It is a means to establish monotheism on the land.” “I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify…”
“The life and property of a Mushrik (someone who worships another than allah) holds no value in the state of jihad.”
“The life and property of a Mushrik becomes ‘halal’ (officially allowed by sharia) while in a state a jihad.”
Here’s the most disturbing part,
“I have been commanded to fight the people until they say (declaration of islamic faith) and when they say (declaration of islamic faith) … their life and property become protected from me. Which means if they don’t say ( declaration of islamic faith) their life and property are halal (free for the taking, legally) for the Muslims.”
“So the Christians do commit shirk, they are kufar (unbelievers) they are mushrakoon (polytheists.) The mushrakoon are filthy. They are … filthy. A spiritual filthiness which can only be purified by the purity of monotheism. Allah calls the mushrakoon ‘nudges,’ which is a very evil thing when Allah himself calls the mushrakoon ‘nudges’ himself! They are najasa (feces, urine, filthy or contaminated) a filthy impure dirty substance. “
So in essence they believe that anyone who does not believe what they do, is filth that they must fight them until they testify the same thing that they believe, and until they do, their life and property are legally free for the taking.
All in the name of Allah.
This, from the “religion of peace.”
Then you have the favorite liberal argument, “Oh well you’re just racist.”
How do you know what’s in my thoughts and what resides in my heart? How am I a racist for simply expressing my beliefs? How I am a racist because I address unconstitutional policies that were put into place by usurping the Constitution?
All these things have led me to the conclusion that everybody that is spewing how “hateful” and “racist” that everyone else is, are in fact the hateful people themselves, and are projecting their emotions onto others.
I recently saw another story on Facebook that caught my eye as well. His story is very unusual, but it is coming from the mouth of a former Muslim, who converted to Christianity. Take it for what you will. But I highly recommend you watch it here.
He saw that every Christian he encountered wanted to help him. Out of love and compassion. That is what Christ taught. Love and compassion and giving. Not killing. Not hate.
I don’t understand why so many Americans have become intolerant of Christians, when Christians (true Christians anyway) are taught to be like Christ. In love, forgiveness, and compassion.
If we all had a little more love for one another, and followed the first two commandments, I think this world would be a much better place.
Mark 12:30 teaches us
“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”
And 31 says,
“And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
If we all acted like we love God and acted like we loved our neighbors, what a difference we could all make in this world. Actions would become habits, and habits would become part of our nature.
Again, I believe the greatest gift God gave us is our freedom of will. Our will to act how we want, and what we do with that will, is what we will stand in judgement for in the judgement seat.
-Joseph Forefathers