Does Michelle Obama declaring ‘Black Girls Rock’ Create a Racial Double Standard?


According to Entertainment Writer NEKESA MUMBI MOODY of The Associated Press – Michelle “…Obama got arguably the night’s loudest ovation as she came on stage and declared “Black girls rock!” – the slogan and name of the organization founded by Beverly Bond. It is designed to uplift young black girls, a group that often has difficulty finding positive and reaffirming images of themselves in the world…”

For the entire AP story — Click Here

For more information on the organization BlackGirlsRock, Inc. Click Here

HERE’S THE REAL QUESTION: Within all the controversy of Racism today — does it feel like there’s a double standard going on?

As one YouTube commenter wrote: “…Imagine a white first lady getting up in front of a crowd and saying…. ‘White girls rock!’ Your president thinks you rock too!”

If such a thing did happen, do you think there would be any cause for offense, and would we hear from the offended?

It is easy to understand, that the reason behind the event was to accentuate the mission of BlackGirlsRock, Inc. which is “to promote the arts for young women of color, as well as to encourage dialogue and analysis of the ways women of color are portrayed in the media.”

Now, remember, we can’t even enjoy the Disney movie ‘Song of the South’ on DVD because Disney has it locked up in the vault. Banned, because it portrays life on a southern plantation in the days of slavery, featuring the black man Uncle Remus (who, by the way, everyone dearly loves), all based on the fear that the movie’s premise is in some way offensive to the black community. So, if race consciousness is going to be the cause of something like that (along with many other such things), then in this ever so incessant race equality conscientious society that we have become — for the First Lady of our country to come along and specifically (and emphatically) indorse and hail an organization which identifies itself with such a blatant (in your face) race baiting title as “Black Girls Rock,” well…….., that sort of thing just seems laced with a gross and rotten amount of double standard is all.

Aside from the fact that not all black girls rock. For example, watch this and pay particular attention to the other black girls standing around filming and participating in this. I would say that these black girls don’t Rock at all – but rather the opposite.

By the way, there are a great number of Black Girls who do indeed Rock. So do a goodly portion of White Girls, Hispanic Girls, Indian Girls, Irish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, Middle Eastern, Russian, Brazilian, Mediterranean, Etc., Etc.!

Oh, and we get that you’d like it if we garnered a little more understanding about the concept behind “Black Girls Rock,” and maybe appreciated the good intentions driving the movement. I’d even say that you’d be perfectly correct in this manner of thinking, except— if you’re going to be on the side that claims, and brutally enforces political correctness, especially when it benefits your cause, then you’d better yourself be politically correct and meticulously fair across the board, especially if you’re the President or the First Lady!

Here at TomZom, we abhor racism even in the least degree!



Is Spring Break Worthy of Mom & Dads Approval?


Pretend for a moment that your daughter or son (daddy’s little girl, or momma’s good boy) comes to you, and in an ever so innocent approach asks… “this year, instead of going with you guys on the family vacation, would there be any problem (with me) going with my friends to Panama City Beach for spring break?”

Meet the 2016 Republican Presidential Considerations!


These are the 2016 Republican Presidential Considerations so far. Click on each one to learn more about them!

Sarah-Palin-1 Rick-Perry-1 Rand-Paul-1 Mike-Huckabee-1

Sarah Palin            Rick Perry             Rand Paul              Mike Huckabee

Marco-Rubio-1 Jeb-Bush-1 Donald-Trump-1 Chris-Christie-1

Marco Rubio        Jeb Bush                Donald Trump    Chris Christie

Bobby-Jindal-1 Ben-Carson-1 Scott-Walker-1 Ted-Cruz-1

Bobby Jindal       Ben Carson           Scott Walker       Ted Cruz


CAST YOUR VOTE — On who you think should become the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomonee!

“No Room in This Country for Hyphenated American”

by Joseph Forefathers
There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.
This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.
But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.
The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic.
The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic. He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American.”
Theodore Roosevelt 
Address to the Knights of Columbus 
New York City- October 12th, 1915

I believe Raven Symone has a similar mind-frame:

And Morgan Freeman:

I love what Allen West has to say about this too:



Hyphenated Americans need to STOP segregating themselves.  By adding your simple adjective you are relegating yourselves as non-inclusive in the American experiment.   Should you know and be proud of your heritage?  Of course!  History is important, and it is true that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.  However, to LIVE in the past by demanding labels is to ignore the future.  And in ignoring the future you are failing to plan for the future.

And failing to plan is planning to fail.

As Allen West stated in the video “the welfare system is a great safety net, but it should not become a hammock.”  Welfare can become another form of slavery when the people become dependent upon it.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”

― Abraham Lincoln

I believe this is just as true now as it was then.  Are we to become a welfare state?   Or will we value our rights, our liberty, and our sacred honor enough to FIGHT for them, to keep this country free?  Fight to unite this country to become great once again.  Fight for a colorblind society.  Fight to get rid of Affirmative Action.  It has become obsolete.   Fight for Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream where everyone “will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
If we are not united, we will fall.
-Joseph Forefathers

Racism Will Be Our Downfall!


Enough with all the infernal Racism! It’s gone on far too long, and too many great people on both sides are simply worn-out from all of it! It is a ridiculous way for people to act toward one another, and will never produce anything good toward the bettering of humanity – ever! It is nothing more than a loathsome beast which feeds on hatred and wields an unrighteous dark and ugly power – strong-arming good people everywhere, and holding them back from otherwise coming together and loving one another. It is the work of evil, and anyone who participates in it – even in the least degree, is committing an egregious transgression against their fellow man. Such a person stands desperately in need of being humbled unto repentance, and praying for help to overcome this dark and bitter scourge upon mankind!

Racism will destroy us – and fixing it begins with us, all of us, right here, right now!

The solution is simple. Humble ourselves, and put forth a righteous effort toward loving one another, availing ourselves to a little help from above. Only then – shall we truly “overcome,” and experience the resulting blessings that ensue!



Tick tock Let’s end this insanity!


by FlimFlam —

Wonderful Daylight Saving Time

Ahhh, it’s here again, that wonderful time when we throw our body’s natural rythms out of kilter and risk a heart attack to build the bottom financial line for the charcoal manufacturers and golf course managers.


But wait, you say, there are valuable reasons why we should have DST. Here are a few.

  1. It was created for the farmers.

FALSE – It was invented by Nazi Germany during World War II to save coal for military purposes. We aren’t at war with Germany and haven’t been since 1945.


  1. Farmers want it so they have more daylight to work in the summer.

FALSE – Farmers work from dawn till dark. They don’t care when that is on a clock,


  1. The cows are more contented to be milked in daylight.

FALSE – They liked being milked when their udders are full, whether it is daylight or not.


  1. It reduces accidents, because people are less likely to be driving in the dark.

FALSE – They just have those accidents in the morning. And Texas has raised the speed limits because the new headlights are so much brighter and reduce accidents.


  1. It saves energy, because people don’t use their lights as much in the evening.

ALSO FALSE – Recent studies have shown that energy use increases 1% overall when people have dark mornings.


So, who really benefits from this artificial aberration known as Daylight Saving Time? The answer can be found in the sport of golf. One expert says it is “the most important reason we’re still doing and expanding the period of daylight saving time.”

“For people who don’t play golf, they should care a lot about the fact that daylight savings time creates additional opportunities for people to play golf,” says Steve Mona, CEO of the World Golf Foundation. “From an economic standpoint, golf on a national level creates almost $70 billion a year in economic impact. It employs almost 2 million Americans, it generates almost $4 billion in charitable giving, almost all of which goes to causes outside of golf. In addition to that, golf facilities are small businesses and they’re usually among the most stable employers and source of revenue for local suppliers than any other business.”

So did the sports lobby alone create the false myths about farmers and school kids to make sure daylight saving time stays a reality? According to Downing, the effort to roll the clocks ahead is also an initiative pushed by the business community.

“Since 1915, the principal supporter of daylight saving in the United States has been the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of small business and retailers,” says Downing. “The Chamber understood that if you give workers more sunlight at the end of the day they’ll stop and shop on their way home. It’s not just golf—the barbecue industry loves daylight savings, so do the home good stores because people tend to go out of their houses, see that their roofs need replacing and buy more shingles. It’s a really important part of niche marketing for the retail industry.”


Let’s write our Congressmen in Austin to join the Southwest push to end D S T!

Time to Wake Up World — Radical Islam is REAL!


If you happen to be one of those in doubt, then let me state it to you this way — Radical Islam is very REAL. It absolutely DOES exist. It is comprised of growing bands of extremely violent and aggressive people based out of the Middle East flourishing under the banner of Islam. They instill fear by committing extreme acts of violence and murder to other human beings under that banner in their effort to take over – and WILL NOT STOP until they have succeeded in making everyone on this earth subject to their way of life.

They are openly and blatantly dedicated to the total destruction of western civilization, and have emphatically stated this on numerous occasions. Their objective is to rule the world – and when they finally get here and start coming into your home to force their ways upon you and your family (no matter how shocked and astonished you may be at that point), there won’t be one single thing that you or anyone else will be able to do about it. It’ll simply be too late!

Time to wake up world!




Bill? Nope — the other Bill.



I read a recent article that hailed how “Bill Maher Blasts the Media’s Easy Treatment of ‘Blatant, Bald-Assed Liar’ Bill O’Reilly.”

It sure sounds like the stress is catching up with ole’ Bill Maher. He seems to be showing himself more and more as the incessant angry guy these days — held captive by his own self aggrandized importance which he blatantly divulges throughout all of his sarcastic (so called) humor.

His condescending (everyone else is so stupid) arrogance is way less than attractive, and his foolish sounding know-it-all attitude is a major turn-off!

What makes it all really sad, is that he seems to have the potential to do a lot better, yet for some reason — he doesn’t. Because of all this, I’m pretty much compelled to give him an overall “F” and stand with Bill O’Reilly instead! At least with Bill O’Reilly, I get to be the one who bloviates!

